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Sonia from Italy wrote October 9, 2006 at 22:20 (GMT)

Greetings from Italy
Hi! Very nice coonies, nice HP and what a gorgeous Junior Winner! :)) I wish you the best for the future and happy days to your wonderful cats! Greetings from Sonia and Morgan's Place crew

André and Petra from Tiel wrote October 2, 2006 at 8:54 (GMT)

Hello dear coonlovers, I was surfing through the web, came to your site and I don't want to leave without leaving a note to you.
You got beautiful cats and your homepages is beautiful too.
We wish you all the best for the future.
Greetings from the Netherlands André and Petra Velders Maine Coon Cattery "A Star is Born

Carmen Neubauer from Germany wrote September 25, 2006 at 19:51 (GMT)

Iron Hawk's
Hello from Germany. It was really nice to visit on your HP and see those beautiful maine coons! I wish you and your cats lot of joy and success for this year!! I would be very pleased about an entry in my visitor's book.
Greeting from www.ironhawks.de und Carmen

Torill from Rælingen wrote September 11, 2006 at 19:33 (GMT)

Hallo Iselinn og Roar
Gratulerer så mye med JUNIOR vinneren Chinook, hipp hurra!! En vakker, vakker katt, som dere kan være riktig stolt av.. Dette var jo utrolig moro! Klem fra den stolte faderen (Bowie) + alle oss andre

Carrabassett's Maine Coon from Oslo wrote September 10, 2006 at 15:29 (GMT)

Hei Iselinn og Roar,
Gratulerer så mye med JUNIOR WINNER på Sacred Spirit's Chinnok i dag!!!
Hilsen fra Marianne og pusene

Marita Hansen from Tromsø wrote September 5, 2006 at 18:52 (GMT)

Utrolig nydelige katter dere har, en dag vil jeg også ha sånne. :)

Carrabassett's Maine Coon from Oslo, Norway wrote September 2, 2006 at 9:39 (GMT)

Hei Iselinn og Roar
Gratulerer med Chinnok's flotte resultat og bedømning på SWS 2006! Han er en super katt :-)
Alltid koselig å tilbringe tid med dere, og tusen takk for nok en hyggelig utstilingshelg!
Ønsker dere lykke til videre med utstilling og oppdrett!
Hilsen fra Marianne og pusene

Astrid Maarse from Groningen, the Netherlands wrote August 18, 2006 at 16:46 (GMT)

Superb Coonies!
Beautiful site and Coonies!! Especially Daisy....Wow, she is really beautiful!!
All the best in your future breeding,
Warm greetings,
Astrid Maarse Maine Coon Cattery Feliscani Coons

Line from Grimstad wrote August 18, 2006 at 12:00 (GMT)

God Helg! :)
God helg Iselinn og Roar :) Kos dere masse!
Klem fra Line

Annica och Jörgen from Norrköping Sverige wrote August 12, 2006 at 9:40 (GMT)

Grattis, grattis
Halloj Iselinn och Roar, ett JÄTTEGRATTIS till Chinooks BIS-resultat *2, fantastiskt. Nu är det spännande...Charisa hälsar till gammelmatte och gammelhusse med en jättepuss. Många varma kramar Annica och Jörgen

