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Marina from Os wrote December 19, 2005 at 22:43 (GMT +1)
Heisann :)
Kjempefin side og noen utrolig flotte katter !!!
Hilsen Marina:)
tone jeanette fjeldstad thoner from 1900 fetsund wrote December 12, 2005 at 17:14 (GMT +1)
maine coon eier
Ville bare si at dere har en kjempeflott hjemmeside og at Deres katt Anton er en av de flotteste maine coon katt jeg har sett Mvh Tone
Carmen Neubauer from Germany wrote December 11, 2005 at 16:57 (GMT +1)
Iron Hawk's
Hello! I have a great time on your site! Wonderful cat´s and a fantastic website! I wish you a lot success in the future with breeding and show!
Best regards from Germany Carmen and Warrior www.ironhawks.de
Hummel from Groningen wrote December 4, 2005 at 20:25 (GMT +1)
Goodevening, It is a pleasure to see at your site. And wonderfull catts of course. Good luck en greeteings from Holland
Hummel from Groningen wrote December 4, 2005 at 20:25 (GMT +1)
Goodevening, It is a pleasure to see at your site. And wonderfull catts of course. Good luck en greeteings from Holland
Bettina from Germany wrote December 2, 2005 at 21:37 (GMT +1)
I enjoyed visiting these fantastic designed websites much! Best Regards from Germany, Bettina & *LaMaLu* birmans
Torill from Rælingen wrote November 24, 2005 at 14:49 (GMT +1)
Hallo Iselinn og Roar
Tusen takk til dere for vakre blomster.Det er virkelig moro at det har blitt en vellykket parring. Bowie er jo nå en lystig kastrat som ser ut til å kose seg masse på gode ferieminner. Tusen takk til dere som tok så godt vare på "gullgutten" vår. Nuss til Daisy fra Bowie.
Stor klem Torill.
Ella from Netherlands wrote November 23, 2005 at 12:22 (GMT +1)
,, Is Da Wa ,,
Hello I visit youre site and its great I love youre coonies I wish you and youre coonies all the best for the future Greetings from the Netherlands
Ania Blak from Poland wrote November 3, 2005 at 17:43 (GMT +1)
My Dearest Iselinn:)
God... I'm in LOVE with Anoki!!! I'm in LOVE sooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is soooooooo W O N D E R F U L!!!!!!!!!!! And all Your CATS are THE MOST BEAUUUUTIFUL!!! I sending YOU millions big kisses:))) Your friend:)))
beata from x wrote October 22, 2005 at 20:40 (GMT +2)
Greetings from Warsaw!
Thanks for nice sign in my guessbook:) Best wishes and many succeses in cattery. Kisses from Dolly to Embla :) Best regards