Agathe from sandnes wrote January 27, 2005 at 16:52 (GMT +1)

Hei på dere
Hjemmesiden deres er blitt kanon stilig... Dere er kjempeflinke :-)
Klem fra Agathe og de søte små ulldottene :-)

Line from Grimstad wrote January 25, 2005 at 10:55 (GMT +1)

Gratulerer med ny hjemmeside :-)
Den nye hjemmesiden er helt topp! Kjempebra Iselinn!:) Venter i spenning på kullet til Daisy :) Klem Line

simo from Asker wrote January 24, 2005 at 10:31 (GMT +1)

Så mye med flott hjemmeside!! Venter spent på dine små :-) Anton er en så flott kar!!

Siw og Jan from Mogreina wrote January 24, 2005 at 0:33 (GMT +1)

Flotte forandringer
Hei til Iselinn og Roar Nå har hjemmesiden blitt flott!!! Dere er flinke, fortsett i samme stilen.
Hilsen Siw og Jan

Anna from Devon Rex and Maine Coon cattery in Poland wrote January 12, 2005 at 0:00 (GMT +1)

Hello!!! I have a great time on your site. Gorgeous cats and a fantastic website!!! Congratulations. I wish you a lot success in the future with breeding and showing. Warmest regards from Polish Devon Rex and Maine Coon cattery – Ostoja*Pl -

Marianne Kaspersen from Klæbu ved Trondehim wrote January 1, 2005 at 22:51 (GMT +1)

God nettside om Maine Coon
Takk for en god nettside om Maine Coon. Likte tittelen Sacred Spirit's! Er interessert i å skaffe en slik katt om ca. et halvt til ett år. Har tre katter fra før, en er nesten atten år! Komme r fra Bergen og kan derfor tenke meg å se på kattene en gang jeg er der. Hilsen Marianne.

Maria from Poland wrote December 29, 2004 at 18:24 (GMT +1)

Hello from Poland!
I visited your nice homepage. You have wonderful cats. I wish you all the best for the future. Best regards Maria

Charlotte Yoon Petersen from Denmark wrote December 19, 2004 at 20:26 (GMT +1)

Hello from Denmark
Hello all in Sacred Spirit
Your coonies are all very beautyfull :-) We wish you all a Merry Christmas & a Happy Newyear ! Best Regards Charlotte & =^..^=

Ella from Netherlands wrote December 16, 2004 at 10:20 (GMT +1)

,, Is Da Wa ,,
Hello I visit youre site and enjoyed very. Youre coonies are all very GREAT and youre female Dasiy and youre male Anton ,,I'm in love wiht him :),, are so beuatiful. I wish you and youre great coonies all the best for the future Greetings from the Netherlands

Suzy from Belgium wrote December 11, 2004 at 1:11 (GMT +1)

Dear Esolinne,
A BIG HUG AND MILLION KISSES FOR MY LOVERBOY ANTHON ! ! !You know why?!! Love Suzy Cattery Racoone's
