
Tilbake til Parkveiens Mainecoons

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J.Preuss fra Germany skrev 20. august 2004 klokken 23:58

of Royal Wizard
It was a pleasure to visit here on your HP and see your beautiful maine coons! I wish you and your coonies lot of joy and happiness for the future and success for your breeding J.Preuss and Pets

Suzy & Nico fra Belgium skrev 16. august 2004 klokken 16:45

It is my very pleasure to greeting your coonies! I have also cats from Arctic Coon's.They are so nice,with a lot of pleasure in them! I wish you all the best in the future with your coonies! My best wishes
Suzy & Nico and the RACOONESCREW!!!

Anne Vigdis Eie fra Silvanus Maine Coons skrev 15. august 2004 klokken 0:15

God sommer!!
Hei hei, så flotte hjemmesider dere har fått! Håper å se dere på utstilling i løpet av høsten:-)
Klem fra Anne Vigdis og pusene

Jenni fra Finland skrev 12. august 2004 klokken 8:19

Starmaker´s Maine Coons
Warm and sunny greetings from Finland!!! You have done a very good job with your HP!! I really enjoyed visiting here! Also your cats looks very beatiful!!! I wish you lot of joy with your cats!!! :o)
Jenni and Starmaker´s Maine Coons

Silvia fra Deutschland skrev 5. august 2004 klokken 16:02

Parkman´s Falls
hi, i look at the internet and i found your site,you have a nice HP and beautiful Coonies.I wish you all the best.Silvia and his Cooies.

Ove Lagarhus Svendsen fra Sand skrev 4. august 2004 klokken 20:43

Hei !!
Flott hjemmeside, interessant å lese. Rufus er nå passert 1 år,og er blitt " storebror" til norsk skogskatt ( 5 mnd). Vi har ikke deltatt på utstillinger ennå, men håper å kunne delta på Rorak sin i oktober. Kanskje dere kan bedømme de først ?! Vi tar kanskje en Saudatur snart...

Sigthora and Jhonny fra Iceland skrev 2. august 2004 klokken 18:23

Hi I was surfing through the www, came to your site and I don't want to leave without signing your guestbook. You got beautiful cats and your homepages is beautiful too. All the best for the future Greetings from Iceland Eagel-Storm cattery.

M.Ollesch fra Germany skrev 30. juli 2004 klokken 14:41

Hallo Eine sehr schöne Page und klasse Coonies habt ihr,macht weiter so, hat viel spass gemacht alles gute das sendet euch das Mount Steele Team

Anda fra GREECE skrev 28. juli 2004 klokken 15:50

Dear Liv and Zoi Thank you sooo much for your kind words in my QB. Your HP is sooo nice too and your babies are so special!!! I am in love with your Presley!!!! As I saw in your HP you used to visit Greece frequently, so it's a great pleasant to me to visit me hear to see my cats and to know me personally. I live in Githio (Sparta) now and is a very nice place just like Skiathos that I have visited before three years ago. It's a paradise you have right!! I wish you a very pleasant summer and I hope to find sometime to visit me. Kisses from Greece Anda

carmit zofy fra israel skrev 28. juli 2004 klokken 8:34

so so nice
Liv-Bente, your site is so butifull! you are something! when I saw the site I could emagin you with all the cats & butifull houses you have.(in norway & skiathos) be happy with what you have got! a lot of love carmit

