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Kaija Tammilaakso fra Helsinki skrev 29. januar 2008 kl. 13:29 Skrevet fra ip
Hello from Finland! Have visited Harstad and I love the North Norway! I'm very interested in Liliums and expecially Martagon hybrids. I have been hunting that dark form or cimilary already many years! Hostas are also my favorites. Rgds Kaija Tammilaakso
Elsa fra Borne skrev 23. januar 2008 kl. 17:30 Skrevet fra ip
Interesting site!
Hello Magnar, you've got an interesting site about beautiful plants. I was looking for inspiration and came on your site. Now I added it to my favorites to choose plants for my own garden.
Regards, Elsa (from the Netherlands)
Berry fra nederland skrev 15. januar 2008 kl. 22:48 Skrevet fra ip
hello, very nice site,beautifull country norway ,we have makes many holliday, s,one time too the Nordkap very nice.
Susanne fra Gunnilse skrev 1. desember 2007 kl. 9:47 Skrevet fra ip
Haj Magnar vill önska er en Trevlig Advent Kram Susanne
Susan Walsh fra Aberdeen, WA USA skrev 20. november 2007 kl. 16:32 Skrevet fra ip
Dear Magnar and Tori, Thank you for your lovely site. I live in USDA zone 8, approximately 30 minutes from the Pacific Ocean. I have a collection of perennials and shrubs numbering over 800. They are all in pots of various sizes. I have been hauling the collection around western Washington for over ten years. I am having difficulty finding stable employment with which to buy land to plant them. I specially like hardy fuchsias, dianthus, campanula, agapanthus, dierama, and iris. I hope to someday hybridize Pacific coast iris. Today is November 20, 2007, at 7:30 A.M. I am now going to look at your seed list. Again, thank you for your wonderful site. Sincerely yours, Susan Walsh