Beata "Boletus" fra Ostro³êka skrev 26. februar 2006 klokken 19:21 Skrevet fra ip

I have the same interesting as you. I,m a teacher of biology. I live in the same climat as you. I have garden with many many interesting plants, winter too,(adonis amurensis, draba acalius). I love peons, naturals and gardens. Please if you havetime write to me an e-mail, maybe we can exchange some plants or information about plants grow up in cold climat. See you next time:):):):)

Rene Poulin fra British Columbia, Canada 56 N skrev 24. februar 2006 klokken 5:24 Skrevet fra ip

Forest Resource Technologist
Very impressive collection of perrenials. Thanks for sharing it with the world!

thomas schultze fra Skoghall skrev 13. februar 2006 klokken 14:53 Skrevet fra ip

Fina Alaskabilder! Det måste ha varit roligt att komma dit. Den obestämda "saxifragan" ser ut som Luetkea pectinata.ts http://klikk.her

Norbert Jünemann fra Dessau skrev 12. februar 2006 klokken 22:28 Skrevet fra ip

Unsere E-Mail vom 14.1.2006
The best from Eva Schulze for the remaining pair of days of the new year wish you Eva Schulze Gudrun and Norbert Jünemann
During the first day of the new year we visited Eva Schulze. Eva, Evchen, and Gudrun, born Pinkwart, are related around many corners. Eva told to us about the rices to Norway. We might look at the " Juleposten in 2003, in 2004 and 2005 ". We are impressed. Again at home we had a look at theirs website. Very much made good. An interesting family and very nice hobbies. Once again: Luck and health for 2006 and many, many years send Evchen, Gudrun and Norbert

sigridur hjartar fra Mulakot 861 Hvolsvöllur Island skrev 30. januar 2006 klokken 14:18 Skrevet fra ip

Allium tibeticum
Hei Magnar Jeg fandt i din planteliste at du dyrker Allium tibeticum kan du gi meg nærmere opplysninger om den, finns den kun i blå-farve? Min er röd-lilla!
