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Susanne Mørch from Nuuk wrote July 23, 2005 at 4:37 (GMT +2)

En hilsen fra Grønland
En hilsen fra den anden side af arktis, vi er under polarcirklen, men vi omkring 10 grader i juli måned og ned til minus ca.15 grader om vinteren

Eva Forsaa Mikkelsen from Bjerkvik wrote June 27, 2005 at 0:47 (GMT +2)

Bilder, besøk
Hei! Flotte bilder! Tar kontakt seiere for å høre når vi får besøk. Beste hilsen Eva

zheng jane hong from stittsville. ottawa. Canada wrote June 17, 2005 at 3:53 (GMT +2)

dental hygienist
Hello, Magnars! Thank you so much for your wonderful plants. It is such a abosolutely pleasure to view your site. I am a beginning gardener and admire your work. I am wondering if that is possible to get some of your seeds---I wil be more than happy to pay the postage and the handling fee. Besides the following list of the seeds I want, I was trying so hard to find some crocus either spring or autumn crocus or both will be great. Here is my list: 1.epilobium latifolium 2.erigeron simplex 3.fritillaria michailowskyi 4.gentiana paradoxa 5. gentiana cachemirica 6.iris hookeri 7.meconopsis betonicifolia 8.lewisia pygmaea 9.primula florindae red and mixed color 10.pulsatilla vulgaris 11.sisyrinchium angustifolium 12.trollius ircuticus 13. spring or autumn crocus if that is possible. Preferbally white, purple and yellow and pink coloured. Thank you so much again and please let me know if it is too late to plant them in this september.

Siny from Duitsland wrote June 8, 2005 at 22:08 (GMT +2)

Hallo Magnar Een hele mooie site met prachtige foto's Kijk er vaak op Ga binnenkort een bestelling plaatsen Vriendelijke groeten Siny

Lønne Hundebøll from Danmark wrote June 2, 2005 at 20:00 (GMT +2)

flot side
Hej Jeg har atter besøgt din flotte hjemmeside og bliver som før imponeret over de mange blomster der kan vokse så langt mod nord.

