Martins Kaskins fra LATVIA skrev 13. desember 2004 klokken 15:55 Skrevet fra ip
Greatings from Latvia! I found your website occasionaly looking in web for the information about some plants. What a great finding! It likes me very much. The website is very convenient to surf and the photos simply great! I was realy supprised for the possibility to grow such plants so far in the north. My congratulations to Toril &Magnar! Svend Aage Hansen fra Danmark skrev 27. november 2004 klokken 19:25 Skrevet fra ip
Har været inde at se på din gode hjemmeside endnu gang . jeg er stadig fuld af beundring for blomster floret . jeg har i år fået nye sorter af slyngplanter og har samtidig fået en god høst af frø især fra Ipomoeaen Bona nox. som det fremgår har jeg en ny side under opbygning .men kan stadig findes på. med venlig hilsen og ønsket om en god jul
svend aage hansen Connie Ballado fra Berlin, Ct. USA skrev 15. november 2004 klokken 17:16 Skrevet fra ip
orchid grower
I was amazed by your knowledge and atributes you have done. Nice webite with great information, Congratulations! :0) Connie from Connecticut, USA Henny Klaver fra Holland skrev 26. oktober 2004 klokken 19:29 Skrevet fra ip
I am full of admiration about your beautifull garden. I doing gardening myself also and I have seen many garden abroad and in Holland but yours are one of the most impressive ever seen. So natural as the plants are growing and standing on her places. Very Nice. If I looking at your garden I got the impression that many plants like to have stone and pebbels through the soil, does it gives an better watercontrol? Next summer we are coming to Norwegian again but not as far as Trondheim. Otherwise I was coming and looking in to your garden even if I had to look over the hedge. Regards Henny Klaver Rune Berg fra Drammen skrev 24. oktober 2004 klokken 22:58 Skrevet fra ip
Bra nettside du har her! Måtte jo legge igjen en liten hilsen ifra meg her i Drammen. Artig å se slekt på nett... med mange artige interessser.. frimerke-samler også gett!! :)